
Description of Magnetic Separator Types

Magnetic separator is mainly used in ferrous metal mineral beneficiation. Magnetic separation is a kind mineral beneficiation method realizing the separation of different minerals in the non-uniform magnetic field according to the mineral magnetic difference.

Magnetic Separator

Nowadays, there are a variety of magnetic separator types at home and abroad. Specific categories of magnetic separator are as follows:

1. According to the different magnetic sources, magnetic separator is divided into permanent magnetic separator and electromagnetic separator;

2. Relying on the strength of magnetic field, magnetic separator consists of low intensity magnetic separator, medium intensity magnetic separator and high intensity magnetic separator;

3. In accordance with the medium of separation process, magnetic separator has two types of wet magnetic separator and dry magnetic separator;

4. On the basis of magnetic field types, magnetic separator includes stationary magnetic field, pulsating magnetic field and alternating magnetic field magnetic separator;

5. According to the exterior structure, magnetic separator is divided into band-type magnetic separator, drum magnetic separator, roller magnetic separator, ring magnetic separator, cage magnetic separator and pulley magnetic separator.

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